When the week started I was all set to create some big romantic extravaganza for this weekend but as I posted yesterday this was not in the cards for us. Part of my initial idea was to make a cute little Jar something like the one I shared in my tips and lists post and then I read about this 100 Reasons picnic on Loving You (bookmark this site if you always want quick romance ideas at your finger tips!) and decided that was what I would like to do for Rob.
I got this idea from combining two of my favorite ideas on this website! I realized after reading an idea about this couples 100th day anniversary, my boyfriend and I's 100th day anniversary was coming up. I typed up 100 reasons why I love him and cut out each one out. Then, I blew up 100 balloons, and put one reason in each balloon. He had to pop them to find the next one. I had a balloon that said START which was kind of an introduction to the game and one that said END which contained a large note that said "I love you" on it. The setting this whole time was in my bedroom with candles lit and blankets down with a picnic basket fully prepared--an indoor picnic in the bedroom with 100 reasons why I love JT right in front of him!
--submitted by Lindsay
I was going to get 101 orange balloons and pretty much do what Lindsey did above but, because Jessie's been sick, I haven't been able to prepare anything. Then I went back to the Jar idea and my printer failed me. Actually the printer is probably fine, its just that it is in a box in the closet and hasn't been set up since we moved... and since Rob wants to be the one to do that, I didn't want to blow the surprise by telling him I need the printer for something TODAY. If I wasn't housebound with sweet Jessie I could have gone over to Kinkos and maintained the surprise but by the time I realized that wasn't going to happen it was pretty clear the extravaganza would need post-poning anyway.
As I mentioned in an earlier post, the kind of thought required to pull off a romantic surprise will up the innate romance quotient immediately. Even if it is something you aren't doing immediately your lover will reap the benefit of your romantic thinking. It really wasn't necessary to pull off the extravaganza for our relationship to benefit. Just scheming about it had me thinking and behaving more romantically. As I sit here now, I'm happy to have a fun idea in my back pocket for some future deployment AND I have my list of 101 things to share with Rob immediately!
So here they are, I am posting them publically because it makes it a bit more exciting and real for me. A little bit like a wedding when the couple shares their vows and the minister reminds the community that it's job is to help the couple keep their vows. So community, here are my reasons for loving Rob. By posting them here I am declaring this is how I feel today and I will honor Rob in such a way that these REASONS and many more remain true for the rest of our lives.
101 Reasons why I love Rob
by Kathy Sprinkle
by Kathy Sprinkle
- I love you because of the way you look at me.
- I love you because you are my Sweetie.
- I love you because I am your Sweetie.
- I love you because you put your family first.
- I love you because you woo and wow me!
- I love you because you said yes to wooing and wowing me forever.
- I love you because you hurry home from work to see me.
- I love you because you always call if you are going to be late.
- I love you because you always remember our special days.
- I love you because you wanted to be with me even if we could never have kids.
- I love you because you convinced me having a child with you would be great.
- I love you because you gave me Jessie.
- I love you because you have been loving towards my mom and family.
- I love you because we are a family together.
- I love you because you give great back rubs.
- I love you because you like to kiss me.
- I love you because you make me want more kisses.
- I love you because you never leave without a kiss goodbye.
- I love you because you always greet me with a kiss.
- I love you because your hugs are the coziest.
- I love you because you are a great Daddy to Jessie.
- I love you because you enjoy my quirks.
- I love you because you embrace being a tourist with me.
- I love you because you always make sure the car is in tip top driving condition.
- I love you because you surprise me.
- I love you because you are kind to animals.
- I love you because you recycle.
- I love you because introduced me to Hawaii.
- I love you because you wanted me to have the prettiest engagement ring I have ever seen.
- I love you because you like to snuggle.
- I love you because you don't sleep well unless I'm in the bed too.
- I love you because you like to buy me fashionable clothes I would never buy myself.
- I love you because you have great taste.
- I love you because you wanted us to have a home we own.
- I love you because you always have good advice.
- I love you because you let me make mistakes.
- I love you because you trust me.
- I love you because I trust you.
- I love you because I can be myself when I'm with you.
- I love you because you make feel wanted.
- I love you because you are never boring.
- I love you because even when I'm grumpy, you still like me.
- I love you because you let me give you a detailed description of how I spent my day.
- I love you because your idea of romance includes an orange boa.
- I love you because you took the Landmark Forum on my asking.
- I love you because we both know that together we can work out anything.
- I love you because you make me feel like I've never felt before.
- I love you because you are always on my side.
- I love you because when you hold me tight everything is always all right.
- I love you because you make things fun.
- I love you because your love gives me the feeling that the best is still ahead.
- I love you because sometimes you call just because you're thinking about me.
- I love you because you always talk things out with me.
- I love you because you bring out the best in me.
- I love you because you're simply irresistible.
- I love you because in the story of my life, the best chapters are filled with you.
- I love you because you always know just what I need.
- I love you because you're a good sport even when I'm not.
- I love you because I feel so at ease in your arms.
- I love you because you bring me joy beyond measure.
- I love you because you always say what I need to hear.
- I love you because you make a great Martini.
- I love you because all the little things you do make such a big difference in my life.
- I love you because you've taught me the meaning of love.
- I love you because I love all the ways you give.
- I love you because you're always on my mind. I just can't do without you.
- I love you because you're someone I can be goofy with.
- I love you because I enjoy being with you.
- I love you because I can ask you a dumb question without feeling dumb.
- I love you because your favorite pastime is to be with me and Jessie.
- I love you because I love the sense of security I feel when I am with you.
- I love you because I love the smell of you.
- I love you because of your goofy penguin walk.
- I love you because you make the coffee for us.
- I love you because you're warm and cuddly (warm and cuddly ala' Madagascar too!)
- I love you because of the way you plan for our future.
- I love you because you keep an eye on me when we are at a party or in a crowd.
- I love you because you would fiercely defend me or Jessie if needed.
- I love you because of your thoughtfulness.
- I love you because of things I won't share on a public list.
- I love you because of your respect for me.
- I love you because you are always looking out for Jessie's best interests.
- I love you because you are romantic.
- I love you because you are passionate.
- I love you because you are whimsical.
- I love you because you are joyous.
- I love you because you are loving.
- I love you because you delight me often.
- I love you because you spoil me.
- I love you because you would rather be home with us then anywhere else.
- I love you because you are nice to my friends.
- I love you because you help your friends.
- I love you because you are my best friend.
- I love you because of the way you hold me in your arms.
- I love you because making this list is easy.
- I love you because new reasons show up everyday
- I love you because I can't imagine my life with out you.
- I love you because of who you have been in your life
- I love you because of who you are now.
- I love you because of who you are becoming.
- I love you because you know how to love me.
My 13 bliss virtues: joy, order, creativity, passion, whimsy, serenity, inquiry, community, romance, gratitude, moxie, humility, surprise
Great post! Rob is a lucky guy :-) Would you consider doing a similar guest post for my blog? Visit http://ramblingsofasingleton.wordpress.com/who-are-our-guest-bloggers/ for more info. I love the layout of your blog (and the font I'm typing in!)