Wow this week was over really quickly! Last night my moms group had a lovely potluck supper over at Katherine and Jesse's house. Jessie thought it was a bit confusing that someone else could be called Jesse and when it was suggested that she be "Girl Jessie" and Katherine's husband could be "Boy Jesse" she just glared and said "I Jessie!" and wouldn't acknowledge that there was any other Jesse there. Pretty darn cute. Anyway, it was a lot of fun being in the company of some of my favorite people and getting to share the experience with Rob. Some of the Social Capital deficit in our lives clearly comes from us having entirely different experiences with the outside world. Generally I do stuff with the mommy group while Rob is doing work stuff but we really don't socialize with other people together all that much.
We have decided to change that and in addition to attending our monthly pot lucks we intend to invite more friends over for dinner and possibly games, particularly as our kids get get older. We are also going to create some type of neighborhood warming after the holidays and invite our new neighbors over to our house. We've lived here a month and I know 4 neighbors by name and a few others by sight. I'd like to increase that number and it would be nice to actually know something about them too! I think I will be starting Jessie at a neighborhood parent participation preschool when she turns three so that will certainly add to the community we intend on building in our new neighborhood.
Regarding my Bliss Initiatives for the week, I spent a little time on all of them but really was far from flushing them out completely. Particularly with regard to identifying all the communities around me. I think I've determined that I'm not really ready to jump into something new but I will be keeping my eye out for the right opportunities that inspire me. Overall I will rate myself a 5 out of 10 for the week.
Next Post: Romance week begins!
My 13 bliss virtues: joy, order, creativity, passion, whimsy, serenity, inquiry, community, romance, gratitude, moxie, humility, surprise