I generally play the Friday Fragment Game over at Everyday Mommy but I thought I'd shake things up and play over here. Friday Fragments is the brilliant idea of Mrs. 4444 over at Half Past Kissin' Time (Don't you LOVE the name of her blog!) and was designed as a way to get all those half baked ideas and just plain not long enough pieces of information to make it into a "real post." I think it is pure genius because I mostly think in fragments anyway. I mean my three year old usually interrupts anything heading toward a complete thought anyway... ok I digress! In any case it is a lot of fun to participate as well as to read the other bloggers fragments. Mrs. 4444 always has something super interesting to share (HA! Update - her family is going out of town too so the usual wit has been postponed... do go and vist some other fragmenters though!) so do take some time to stop over there!
My Sweetie is finally taking us away for our surprise weekend getaway... You know the one I talked about back here. We kept postponing for terrific reasons. like Birthday Parties and better hotel rates but mow it really is happening . Although it isn't a total surprise now. I figured out we are heading to Lake Tahoe and we will be hay riding and hiking and gondola riding and... and it should be a LOT of fun.
One thing though, I will not be blogging one little bit starting tomorrow morning through Monday sometime. I feel this is a little lame for the big passion finale' but there it is. I'll make it up to you during Whimsy week, which won't get started in earnest until next Tuesday... oh the slippery slope...
This reminds me, this is my last spin through my virtues before my year long project comes to an end!! Not that I will be stopping my game anytime in the foreseeable future. There is so much more Bliss to be had but it something of an accomplishment to stick to my game plan for an entire year. So not like me, for those of you who knew me before I started this,, you know I could be something of a flake. Although I had brief thoughts of quitting once at the beginning, I have followed through, writing nearly everyday (except when travel, or threat of travel kept me away) and keeping my passion for the project all the while. I definitely think when my year concludes in September some type of bloggy celebration will be in order... so I toss it out to you, any ideas? What do you think a year of Bliss Celebration might look like?
Speaking of September, My bloggy friend Lisa of LifeUnity is at it again. The IT being inspiring me to yet again to take a courageous step. You might remember this mention of her brave belly reveal, and she is, although I don't think I even told her, is the inspiration behind my trying Art Journaling and now she is taking on the Shed Project. The Shed Project is the invention of Bindu Wiles who is herself working towards shedding all of her worldly possessions until she can carry everything in three backpacks and a box. To participate one is not required to take on the same goal but shedding perhaps 1/4 of ones belongings as well as personal weight will certainly be transformational. Check out Lisa's Post as well as Bindu's to see if it is a game you might like to try.
While I was bopping around the web this week I ran into this thing called the Passion Test by Janet Atwood. Have any of you heard of it. A couple of heavy hitters, Jack Canfield (Chicken Soup for the Soul books
And speaking of Passionate gurus. LOL how do you like that transition? I watched the Tony Robbins Breakthrough show and I was definitely disappointed. I really don't think it was Tony's fault but condensing a month long experience to 60 minutes of sound bites really left me flat. Over on his website he provides a lot of the background that was missing in the show and I found it a lot more useful and interesting. I will give it another try next week but so far I'm not as impressed as I wanted to be.
I have developed one TV addiction. Many of you know we mostly watch Cooking Shows as a family with a little Sci-Fi thrown in but we recently started watching Mad Men (from the beginning, we are only in season one so please no spoilers!) and I am so hooked. It is intoxicating. Literally. Really these guys drink so much you can't help but want a Martini when watching. OK so we don't imbibe nearly as much or often as the characters but the show did inspire me to dress up for dinner and play 60's housewife tonight. It was a total blast. I even made a casserole!! LOL my pretend Martinis were Sparkling Green Tea with Raspberry garnishes (We'll save the real Martinis for the weekend!) We then watched the show and retired to the bedroom. We'll leave it at that.
OK I'm calling this the end. I'll be re-posting a couple of favorite Passion posts to round out the week and I'll see you all back here next week for whimsy week. Have a great weekend!
How are you finishing off your Passion Week?
Next Post - A Passionate re-visit