Hello everyone!! I am getting SO excited. I'm getting pretty close to the relaunch of the new Bliss blog!
If you haven't done so already do take a sneak peak (under the New Site Design tab above) -- Nice huh! I have to give Marija over at Pro Blog Design high marks for conveying just what I wanted in the look. We have been "talking" and tweaking things on a nearly daily basis and I am very happy with it. Now Michael takes over with all of my programming wishes... and soon we'll be going live!!
If you have never been here before, this blog is inspired by Ben Franklin's weekly practice to study each of 13 virtues he thought would help him lead a better life. In my version of the practice, I am playing a game to develop the habit of Bliss. Each week I concentrate on one of the virtues, play some games and do my best to inspire and encourage everyday bliss.
My 13 Virtues of Everyday Bliss are:
joy, order, creativity, passion,
whimsy, serenity, inquiry, community, romance,
gratitude, moxie, humility, and surprise
On the new site each of my thirteen virtues will have it's own resource page where you will be able to get all the latest information on the topic, find tips for encouraging bliss in your own life and links to other sites which will inspire . Each week I will also be introducing you to Artists and Writers whose work evokes the particular virtue. There will also be a community forum on the site where everyone will be invited to share their opinions and discuss the topics. All in all it should be an interesting and inspiring place to be!
When I started this project I wrote nearly everyday.... it was part of the whole experiment. I would give you the "play by play" of everything and while I found that interesting I'm not sure all of it was really the stuff of good blogging. For this reason I've decided that I am going to concentrate on writing a couple of really good topic related posts and leave my "process" to the community forum. If you have questions about things not covered in my posts, that will be a great place to get them answered.
In addition to my posts I will be interested in hooking up relevant stuff to my resource pages as well as having guest bloggers on each of the topics. If you have posts... new and old ones which speak to or evoke one of my Bliss Virtues I would love to hear about them! Also, if you have artwork, a song, jewelry or philanthropic projects that could match up with any of my topics I would love hearing about them. I want to make this blog a place where Bliss is championed and welcomed in all forms!
As I get closer to launch I will post more details about the opportunities and fun that is coming. Let me know in a comment here (or at my other blog, where I am posting regularly) if you have something you would like to share and/or if you would like me to keep you in the loop about the new blog.
Thank you so much for stopping by! I'm looking forward to sharing lots of Bliss in the coming year.
Warmest regards,